Commerceup Ongoing Support : How does it work?


Commerceup provides following support to merchants for running their business on commerceup

1. Platform Maintenance Support :

This is included for all merchants, Commerceup is a pre-hosted platform and platform maintenance and automatic upgrades are handled by commerceup core team. This support includes :

  • Uptime support

  • Fixing if any feature on platform stops working

You can reach out to commerceup team directly via Commerceup support center in platform or can connect at

2. Store Hosting Support :

As commerceup is a pre-hosted platform so your store's hosting is managed by commerceup. This becomes our responsibility to make sure your websites are up and running 24 hours.

Due to maintenance period and other unavoidable circumstances, We support 99.8% uptime annually. If there is any issues with your website, You can directly reach to commerceup team or dedicated account managers. This type of issues are treated as priority and resolved under few minutes.

3. Support Ticket System :

As a Commerceup Platform customer, you have access to support ticket system which can be found here :

How it works?

  • Select your issue type

  • Our support team will review your issue & assign a due date, According to scope of work, additional cost may be added and will be informed to you in advance.

  • Our technical team will resolve your issue before the due date

  • You can mark your issue closed once you are satisfied with resolution provided

We're available to help at any time by email, but please remember that after-hours support is reserved for C1 or "System Down" issues. C1 issues are situations where (1) multiple users are unable to access the interface or (2) reports show no data. Before submitting a C1 issue, check to see if the issue has already been reported by team.

Should you require assistance with such a C1 issue outside of normal business hours (10:00 am to 6:00 pm IST, Monday to Friday, except on holidays), please use "C1" in the subject line of your email. We'll respond within two hours. Refer to the following table for information on the various support options and priority levels

Priority levels


Subject Line

Guidelines for Use

Estimated Response Times

C1, Critical Priority

"C1" or "System Down"

Your customers are not able to access website or apps.

Your customers are not able to make any transactions.

Your reports are not showing data, or the interface is unavailable to multiple users.

Initial target response: Two (2) hours after ticket submission. Target resolution or workaround: Priority reduced to C2 within 2-6 hours.

C2, High Priority


Customer journey on online store and reporting are working, but other functions are not which are important for business and impacting the sales directly.

Initial target response: 4 (4) hours from ticket submission. Target resolution or workaround: Within twenty-four (24) hours.

C3, Normal Priority


Standard functionality issues which is already been delivered or in the system.

UI and Design Issues on website

Initial target response: Within 1 business day via email. Target resolution or workaround: Within five (5) business days.

Apps submission will take extra 3 days.

C4, Low Priority


Minor issues with your system. Product enhancement or feature requests.

Initial target response: Within two (2) business days via email; updates provided as necessary. Target resolution or workaround: Within five (5) to ten (10) business days or depending on feature request and given timelines via commerceup support team.

Target resolution times are goals. Depending on the volume and severity of tickets submitted, response times and time to resolution may vary. Occasionally, an issue may need to be escalated to our engineering team. In such cases, it may take more time to resolve the issue.

4. Account Manager Support :

Your business is important to us and need proper attention, In that case we provide you an account manager which can be part of our core team or partner team. Account manager becomes your first point of contact to raise any requests/concerns happening on your store.

You can opt for account manager support additionally if not done already.

You can raise complaints or can raise new feature requests as per discussion with your account manager. You can reach your account manager directly via platform, Your account manager details are listed on commerceup platform dashboard or can reach via email/whatsapp provided you over emails.

Responsibilities of Account Manager :

  • Account manager will co-ordinate with merchants over phone, email or online meeting link as and when requested. According to priority of issues shared above, These calls can be introduced.

  • Account manager knows in and out of your store and maintain a progress sheet to keep merchant updated.

  • Account manager becomes first point of contact to resolve queries related to platform. If any requests require developers support, Account manager creates internal tickets for developers to resolve this issue. Once issue is resolved from development side, Account manager will notify merchants via call/email/whatsapp.

  • Due to content privacy policies, Account manager will not be pushing data/content to website on behalf of you but available to train merchant as and when required.

1 Account manager is responsible for 1 store or project. If there are additional stores which are managed by separate teams, another account manager will be assigned and subscription charges will be added accordingly.

Frequently asked questions regarding support :

I am facing problems with platform, not able to login or a page/feature not working.

You can directly write an email to or can connect to your account manager for quick support. Commerceup also provides online chat in office hours to quickly resolve platform related issues via dashboard. In this case commerceup TAT is 1-2 hours for login issues and for other issues as per discussion.

My website is down and or having problems for checkout, What should i do?

In normal scenarios this won't happen as we keep auditing our system, In any case for some reason if it happens, You can directly write an email to or can connect to your account manager for quick support.

Are there any office hours to contact account manager or your support team?

We believe if any concern which is directly impacting your business sales, Our support team/account managers are available 24X7. If there are issues which can wait and will not be directly impacting for checkout and operations can be handled at 10 am - 6 pm, Monday to friday easily.

I want to make few changes in UI/UX on my website, How it works?

We normally consider UI changes only in initial setup and later any UI/UX changes are considered to be additional scope. We understand few UI changes can be done at minor level support. For this you can contact your account manager with list of changes which gets transferred to dev team.

How development team make these changes?

Development team works on 2 kind of projects, Vanilla projects which are handled directly via platform design (widget system) and Custom projects which are supported for enterprise clients with custom design on demand. Custom projects need custom development support and it usually takes more time than platform design.

In custom projects, Commerceup keeps a client layer codebase which is managed internally, Once any UI changes are requested, Development team makes those changes in codebase and pushed to staging/production as required.

Once these changes are confirmed, These changes can be replicated to mobile apps for which some extra time is needed to push apps on both platforms.

When do we need to update mobile apps for any changes?

Every platform comes with its limit of changing on demand, To support your custom designs, Commerceup experts undergo custom development which includes some static changes to make your design perfect. If any UI changes which is not controlled by platform dashboard, This will need an app update. App updates often includes :

  • App icon and splash screen changes

  • Any crashes for particular reason observed

  • If new widgets are introduced or custom design elements are changed which are not controlled by platform

  • If any major functionality had issues and need automatic updates

We don't need to update apps if no UI designs are changed, All linking of mobile menu, banners, categories data etc is automatically linked and synced via apis.

I want to add new business feature/ 3rd party integration in platform, How it works?

Commerceup believes in integrating less 3rd parties and making in house apps to support merchants without impacting on performance. Though there are exception which needs and external support.

You can mail or contact your account manager for any feature request, As per custom platform, We integrate most of the features which could be helpful across all clients. If there is any feature which is only needed for one merchant or needed an expedite integration, We introduce a nominal charges.

Once thats confirmed, Our platform management team undergo research and comes up with proper planning of assumptions, requirement, effort and timelines which is then shared with merchant.

Once merchant gives go ahead, Feature requests are added in platform queue and tat becomes 2-4 weeks depending on feature.

What kind of customization can be done directly from platform and other need commerceup experts support?

Commerceup platform is complete DIY platform for merchants handling the business. Everything related to business logics like catalog management, orders management, shipment engine, sales engine, payment gateway, customers management, mailers, 3rd party integrations and rules management is managed by platform only and can be changed at any point of time. These changes do not even require app updates or website deployment.

For making every website unique, For few merchants We create completely customized website which overrides widgets supported by platform by default.

In this case, If any changes are needed which even may be related to color will eventually need a deployment of website. For any widget content and linking is handled by platform and does not require any deployment.

Any changes which require coding manually will be needed a separate app update for the stores.

We do not recommend very frequent changes like these as Apps changes are limited to 2-3 updates in a month as per app store and play store guidelines. Too much of app updates are not really a great idea for customers.

Last updated