CommerceUp Provided Managed Hosting

Commerceup provides multiple tenant hosting for customers who are just kickstarting their business.

Multi-tenant hosting (also called shared hosting) is when a single instance of a database, application server, or infrastructure is shared across multiple clients. Each client pulls from shared resources, and each client’s data is essentially tagged and partitioned to keep it separate. One way to think about this is like an apartment building. A multi-tenant client has their own apartment with a key that only works on their door but shares the overall building.

Advantages of multi-tenant hosting

  • Multi-tenant hosting is less expensive

Since multiple clients on the same servers using the same underlying software, there are significant cost savings.

In a single-tenant-only world, each client would need a full infrastructure of servers, routers, firewalls, etc. This drives up cost.

On a multi-tenant instance, these costs, along with things like system monitoring and servicing the deployment become shared making it less expensive for everyone.

  • Multi-tenancy simplifies hosting

Multi-tenant solutions simplify hosting in two big ways:

  1. Protecting systems is generally easier because there are fewer interaction servers and infrastructure systems which reduce systems’ vulnerability to exposures. For example, there will generally be less servers to patch upgrades for vulnerabilities and monitoring within multi-tenant hosting.

  2. Upgrading software is a much easier task since every client is running the same level of software it is easy to upgrade the deployment in one outage/maintenance period.

Disadvantages of multi-tenant hosting

  • Greater security risk

Strict authentication and access controls need to be in place to prevent clients from reading, writing, and updating each other’s data. What’s more, there is a risk that data corruption can propagate through all the clients in an instance – a risk multi-tenant hosts work hard to mitigate.

  • Serviceability and maintainability

Because everyone relies on the same codebase, updates to both hardware and software can affect all clients, and the maintenance period for any downtime will affect all clients at the same time.

  • Possibility of competing for system resources

Multi-tenant hosting shares system resources and as the client base grows dynamically, provisions must be made to add more resources as needed. While theoretically there can be conflict over these resources, there are protocols in place to make sure that resources are balanced across all clients: protocols like load balancers and “elastic” computing. These innovations ensure that checks and balances are in place to service all clients in response to dynamically changing resource demands.



Responsibilities of Commerceup

  • Commerceup team is responsible for managing and maintaining servers on merchants' behalf.

  • Commerceup team continuously updates the software on a timely basis and keeps a check on security and other vulnerabilities.

Who should choose this hosting?

Merchants who are looking at faster migration and no involvement of dedicated hosting can opt for this type of hosting. Typically if you are receiving around 10-50K sessions per month, we suggest you to opt for this hosting and later on upgrade to self hosted Commerceup on your dedicated cloud service provider.

You pay for your fixed subscription which includes a limited traffic API usage and rest API usage is charged on a pro-rata basis monthly.


  • Who manages the servers in case my website gets high traffic or runs sales? Commerceup team manages the servers, You can inform your dedicated account manager in advance in case of any abnormalities or high sales. Accordingly, the team can be prepared to do the same in advance without any interruption. In case merchants need urgent help, Merchants can opt for Devops support or developers support on demand.

  • How do we edit any changes in our store frontend or backend? As Commerceup is managed by internal team and its an e-commerce as a service platform. Commerceup team or partner team is able to make code specific changes on Client/Merchant's behalf. Most changes which do not require code changes can be done by client's support team. For other changes you can opt for developers support offered by Commerceup or partner team to amend any changes on your behalf.

  • Do I get access to the code base? With Commerceup hosting you never get access to the code base however you can always export list of your customers, orders , inventory/product data directly from the dashboard.

  • Architecture Security : Commerceup architecture is based on micro services api architecture which uses internally multiple AWS managed services which runs in a private network and latest security protocols are being predefined in architecture. Every internal system works in a private subnet away from public network and public apis are accessible via API gateways, load balancer to limit the load if there are any DDoS attacks are introduced. Though we recommend to use cloudfare at DNS level in case of any DDOS attack on websites for that period of time to avoid any issues.

  • Availability : Commerceup uses AWS managed services for smoothly manage multi store hosting with EKS, Opensearch and what not. Commerceup currently handles one availability zone and AWS services are highly reliable for the same. We use blue and green deployment for providing high availability if any new changes in code are made. With help of kubernetes, Systems are auto scaled for particular website storefront via pods system. Databases are already configured with multiple read and write replica set for high availability.

  • Backup Strategy : Commerceup uses daily backup strategy to save database image one time every day with the use of existing managed services provided by AWS.

  • Publishing Process : Most website publishing happens via apis with transfer of json data over https rest APIs. In case of any architectural changes in code base, Complete CI/CD pipeline is automatically managed which commerceup developers access to publish the websites.

  • User Accessibility : Commerceup architecture and live data is accessible only by senior members of commerceup and devops team. Other details and roles of project specific can be managed in user roles in the platform.

  • Scalability : Most of our services are highly scalable with Horizontal and vertical pod auto scaling features. Our databases and Elastic search are already configured on higher scalability to the limit and can be increased on demand. If you require a dedicated scalability We highly recommend to use Self hosted commerceup listed below.

Self Hosted Commerceup

Last updated