How To Embed Videos For Your Products

As we know, video is still one of the most utilized e-commerce strategies to showcase any important information to your customers. If you are going to take your business to the next level, you can't ignore the power of embedded videos. Through the CommerceUp platform, you can easily add a video for your products. The video will show on the Product Description page where customers can get so much information regarding the product & other related information. There are two ways through which you can embed videos.

1. Via Edit Product- If you are going to embed a video for a single product, go with "Edit Product" a) Click on Catalog->All Products->Edit

b) Click on Other Details Paste your Video URL link to "Video URL for PDP". And finally, click on the Save button. Please use the below format for adding youtube videos link:

2. Via Import If you are going to add videos for more than one product, choose the option Import. a) Click on Bulk Upload->Upload Existing Products CSV. Here I chose the option Upload Existing Products CSV because I am uploading the videos in the existing products.

  • Uploaded CSV: You can upload more than one video separated by commas.

  • Map your Uploaded field with CommerceUp Field

  • Click on Save & Next button & start Import.

Last updated