How To Group Config Items via variantGroup Id.
If you want to combine the variants of more than one product & showcase it to your customers on the same page, you can use this option. In this way, you can combine the variants of the multiple products & show them on your online store.
How To Add variantGroup Id in Config Items: There are two ways through which you can add the variantGroup Id in Config items. 1. Via Edit Product 2. Via Importer Basic Steps: 1. Click on Catalog->All Products->Add Product a) Create two config products. for eg: Here we are creating two config items i.e Config 1 & Config 2. Config means the products which are having variants. Here Config1 item has variant red. And other config item has variant green.
2. In the second step; add the same variant id one by one in both the config items. a) Click on Product->Edit Product->Other details.
2. Via Importer If you want to update variant id in multiple config items, it is the best option. You can update variant id through importer. a) Click on Bulk Upload->Upload New Products CSV.
b) Upload Your CSV
c) Map your variant Id field with Commerceup field variantGroupId.
d) Click on Save & Next button & run the import.
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