Features List for a seller in Multi-seller System.
There are tremendous features for a seller in the CommerceUp Multi-seller system. All features are well-tested & easy to use. Please take a look at seller features one by one. Basically, you will learn what are the different features we are providing to a single seller.
Features List for Seller in CommerceUp Multi-Seller System
Vendor Dashboard
A separate Vendor dashboard for each vendor gives an easy understanding of inventory & order status. The vendor gets a snapshot of his business using the dashboard which provides sales reports, order summary, best selling products, and much more.
2. Product Management
Allow the easy management of products by vendors where vendors can update the quantity & pricing of the products. Vendors can view the products on the website.
3. Upload Products via CSV
Vendors can upload the products via CSV & send it to the owner. A seller can create the CSV where a seller can add the product category, brand, quantity, and set the pricing of the products, and many more. The Seller can take the reference from the sample CSV.
4. Update Quantity in Bulk By Seller
A seller can update the quantity of products in bulk via a CSV by following the below steps:
Seller will click on the Update Inventory tab.
Download the sample CSV.
Add the SKU no & quantity in CSV.
Click on Start Import
5. Manages Orders
The seller can keep track of the coming orders from the customer side.
Seller can change the order status & mail will send to the customer.
Seller can canceled the order.
Seller can search the order with the help of SKU, Name, and Order- ID.
6. Export Order CSV
Seller can export the order CSV on his registered mail-id
Seller can export the order CSV by selecting the date from date filter.
7. Export Inventory
Seller can export the Inventory on his registered mail-id.
Seller can manage the inventory stock from the downloaded inventory CSV from mail.
8. Send Promotion Participation Mail
The seller can send the promotional mail to the owner for participation. When a seller clicks on the Send Mail button then the participation mail will send to the admin. The mail will contain important information like seller name, seller-id with proper participation message.
9. Support Center
The seller can view the admin contact no & mail-id from the Support Center tab.
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