How to create a CSV file for Bulk Updating existing products

To bulk upload products, We use CSV file which is Comma Separated Values file. You can create this type of file via Google Spreadsheets or MS-Excel. You can just download file as .csv extension.

We recommend you to firstly check on this sample csv here This sample CSV comes with guidelines to follow. We recommend you to use google spreadsheets for managing data within your team.

We hope you are already aware about type of products which CommerceUp uses, if not we recommend you to read this following section

If you are looking to upload new products, Please look into following :

Here are following CSV column fields which are used to create. Only SKU field is a mandatory field and rest field are optional which you want to update.

You cannot update

  • SKU, item-type from CSV, You need to delete and create new products.

To update images of products :

  • Create a column with image apart from SKU column

  • Add respective image name.

  • Follow the same format as you did for uploading new products, Upload image in CommerceUp gallery first. Please update image name and re-upload in gallery. Use same name with extension of image in csv column values.

  • After uploading CSV, Map this field to thumb image of CommerceUp fields on mapping Step and start import.

Once you have created a CSV for uploading products, You can navigate to following section

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