Splitting Order Invoices Based On Delivery Method
You can split the order on the basis of shipping methods. In other words we can say that there is a separate invoice for the products which have delivery method. Lets understand this by an example: In my cart there are three products : One Product has a delivery method Express & another two products has no any delivery method. Customer places an order with these products. View of Cart Page:
How You Split Invoices in Order Detail Page? 1. Go to My Orders tab. 2. Click On View Order button.
3. Order is splitted in two parts as you can check in the below screenshot. The first part is No Shipping Method. The products which have no methods come under this method: "No Shipping Method". And the products which have a shipping method comes under "Method2".
4. Now you can split the invoice & packing slip of the products separately.
Separate Invoices: You can view the separte invoice for the delivery method products & non delivery method products.
In the same way; you can split the packing slip for delivery methods & non delivery methods.
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