How to bulk upload new products via CSV
We assume that you are already prepared with your product CSV. If you do not know how to create a new product CSV, Please look at the following :
How to create a CSV file for Bulk uploading New ProductsGreat, Now you already have a product CSV ready. Please follow this checklist before uploading new products
Next, we have to Upload the CSV file. Follow the below steps
Click on the "Bulk Upload" button from the left menu.
Click on the "Upload New Products CSV" button.
The window will look like this:
3. Click on the Upload CSV button and browse the CSV file. (You can also download the sample CSV file to understand what a CSV looks like by clicking on the Sample CSV link just down below, and read the guidelines before creating or uploading CSV.)
4. You may check or uncheck "Use images uploaded in gallery" and "Ignore missing image" so that while mapping all the images mentioned in CSV is present in the gallery will be linked to that product and if any image that is missing from the gallery or CSV, will be ignored while uploading and mapping CSV. Once your file is located, click on Next, to continue the process further.
5. Map your fields with CommerceUp Fields
The next important step is to map your CSV fields with CommerceUp product fields. If done correctly, you will be able to add your products to your store .
a) After clicking on Next, you will be directed to the "Map your Fields" screen, which will look like the image below, on the left you have all the fields that were in your uploaded CSV, and on right you have all the commerceUp fields :
b) Next step is to map your CSV fields with commerceUp fields, which is just a simple Drag and Drop. Take the field of your uploaded CSV and drop it on to the respective CommerceUp Field. After mapping is done click on Save & Next, to save the mapping and go to import screen.
C) After saving mapping, the next step is to start the import of the added products through the Start Import button. On the same screen, you will also see the preview of the CSV products and Import result of the CSV
Step 6: How to check if there are any errors
To verify the CSV has been uploaded successfully or if there are any errors, you will be directed to the Import logs screen where you can either scroll down on the logs and see if there are any errors or you can click on "Show Errors Only" to enlist all the errors. You can debug the CSV uploaded errors through the Import Logs window.
1. What is CSV?
CSV stands for Comma Separated Value, It is an excel file that is saved with a .csv extension.
2. How to check for errors in the importer?
To verify the uploaded CSV has been uploading successfully the publisher will click on the Log button.
3. How the CommerceUp manage the added images in CSV?
The publisher will add the product image name in his attached CSV file. It is mandated that the same image should be available in publisher gallery in the product section. When importer will click on use images uploaded in the gallery button (during CSV Import Settings) then CommerceUp platform picks the image from the gallery.
4. Can we make our own product field in CommerceUp?
There could be a case where you want to put some other information or data about your product on the store but the key is not available in commerceUp fields, in such cases you can make your own product custom field at the time of mapping fields in Import. For example, if you want to add the "nutritional value" key to commerceUp field and show it on the store, then scroll down to Add Custom Keys tab and write the key name, then from the dropdown select "Will be used to show on storefront" and then click on the "Add" button.
After adding the custom key, the user needs to map the custom key from your uploaded fields.
5. Is there any feature in CommerceUp through which we can copy our mappings?
In CommerceUp, you can copy your mappings from the added data sources. You simply have to select the data source from which you want to copy the mappings. This feature is available at the time of mappings CommerceUp fields with Your Uploaded fields. After selecting the data source, don’t forget to click on the Copy Mapping button.
6. Can we manage our added CSV in Import?
Yes, you can manage your CSV in the Bulk Upload section via the setting button. The setting button is available with your Primary data source.
7. What fields CommerceUp is used for Image Mapping?
As an importer, if you want to add images for the product and its variant, you will drag your uploaded field to thumbImg commerceUp field. And to add other images, you will drag your uploaded field to the OtherMedia CommerceUp field.
NOTE - If you are going to add more than one other image, don’t forget to separate them by a comma in your added CSV sheet.
As it is clear from the name->Add New Products in store is done from the “Upload New Product” feature and any change in the existing products of your store is done from the “Update Existing Product” feature.
Last updated