How To Integrate Google Map On Online Store

Integrating Google Maps into your eCommerce website can be a great strategy for any online business. It will allow your users to view your location(s) at a glance, often helping them make more informed decisions about your company. Benefits of Google Maps for Online Businesses: 1. Minimize delivery errors. 2. Help customers to find difficult locations. 3. Find Location-specific Information 4. Offer Customer Credibility

How To Enable Google Map For Your Online Store?

  • Click on Your Apps->Google Map.

  • Enter the required Google key information & click on the Save button to save details.

How to generate a Google Map key?

To generate Google Map keys, follow the below steps: 1. Go to URL: 2. Create a project.

3. Go to APIs & Services->Credentials Page.

a) On the credentials page, click Create credentials-> API key. The API key created dialog displays your newly created API key. b) Click Close. 4. Adding the API key to your request You must include an API key with every Maps JavaScript API request. In the following example, replace YOUR_API_KEY with your API key. <script async defer src=" &call type="text/javascript"></script> 5. Restricting API keys a) Go to the APIs & Services->Credentials page. b) Select the API key that you want to set a restriction on.

For more detailed information go through the below link.

How Google map will help your customers?

  • Customers can search out their current location.

  • Customers can search for any location.

  • Searching in the input field & chose the place.

  • Dragging map & get the location.

Last updated