How to Create a Collection
To create a new collection and group products in it, follow the below steps
Click on Catalog->Collection. It will open the Collection window from where you can add a new Collection by clicking on the Add Collection button.
2. Once you click on Add Collection button, it will open the Create Collections window.
Through this window, you can give the Name to your collection, use that name as tag for the same collection, you can add a description to your collection, you can add a thumbnail image and a cover image to your collection, you can also add SEO details for your collection.
3. Add the Name of the collection and use it as a tag. This name will be visible everywhere as the title of your collection
4. Add Description of the collection using the in-built text editor.
5. To add a thumbnail image and a cover image to your collection, click on the Upload ThumbImage button and the Upload CoverImage button.
From the Pop up window, you may either select an image if it's already in gallery or you can upload a file for your thumbnail image.
Similarly, you can add a cover image to your collection
6. Add the SEO details for your collection on the same screen.
At last, save the collection by clicking on the Save button.
Next, to know how to add products to a collection, read:How to add products to New/Existing Collection
Last updated