How to add Meta tags for Categories/Collection
Just like adding SEO details for a product, categories and collections must also contain meta tags to make it easier for your customers to search and reach out to specific collections or categories. Follow the below-mentioned steps to know how to add meta tags-
SEO details for Categories
1. To add custom meta tags to existing categories; click on the Categories tab that comes under the Catalog menu.
2. Click on the Edit button & fill in meta details for existing category in the SEO fields as illustrated in the image below
3. To save the added details, Click on the Update button.
4. You can also add SEO details for a new category by clicking on the Add Category button, and then fill the details in the popup window.
How To Add Custom Meta Details for Brands & Collections? Similarly, you can also add meta details for your Brands & Collection pages.
To do that, go to the Catalog section & choose an option of Brand or Collection as per your need.
For Brands- Locate your brand, then click on the Edit button and in the next window, fill in all the Details.
For Collections- Go to Catalog -> Collections ->Edit, navigate to the Collection Information dropdown, and then fill in the SEO details.
And finally, click on the Save button.
Last updated